I love sunshine :)
18. jul. 2011
20. mar. 2011
Long time no see
1. jul. 2010

Few days of orient. I must say, I loved it.

Travel Europe-Asia and every day being an adventure. No plans, without any organisation. Go with the flow.

Food... Must say the best meals were fish burgers at Galata bridge, and burek. Way to much meat if you ask me ;)

Yes, we also saw gay parade, had rain, and on bazaar lower the prices. I am kinda good at it ;)

Find Yoda^^

The trip was inspiring. So many colours, so many people...
I think I will have to return there. Soon .
20. maj 2010
v Ljubljani. Zadeva, ki je dvignila ogromno prahu. In granitnih kock.
Sprva sem bila glede demonstracij povsem distancirana, mislila sem si... pač, še ena priložnost za fotkanje. Trenutno je ta neodločenost prešla v zgražanje. Še vedno se distanciram od kakršnihkoli pripomb glede zakona, sem pa resnično ogorčena nad ravnanjem prisotnih. Kažejo na popolno razpuščenost in pomanjkanje moralnih vrednot. Ali nekaj temu podobnega. V vsakem primeru, tega se ne dela. Tudi če je kaj narobe, nekje je meja do kamor se sme. Danes je bila ta meja močno prekoračena.
Metanje granitnih kock v stavbo bo pomagalo kako? Ja, ne razumem....

Množica na Čopovi in Prešernovem

Eden od sloganov... precej zabaven... in pa ledvica...

še ena slika ljudi

Katja Šoba.

slika razdejanja na Prešernovem trgu po odhodu protestnikov

protestniki pred parlamentom
najhujšemu razgrajanju nisem bila priča, vendar še vedno obsojam to kar se je zgodilo. Pijana mladina in slabe odločitve.
Več kot pravilni pa so bili pregledi torb pred vstopom na Prešernov trg in pohvale za hitrost pričetka čiščenja.
Sprva sem bila glede demonstracij povsem distancirana, mislila sem si... pač, še ena priložnost za fotkanje. Trenutno je ta neodločenost prešla v zgražanje. Še vedno se distanciram od kakršnihkoli pripomb glede zakona, sem pa resnično ogorčena nad ravnanjem prisotnih. Kažejo na popolno razpuščenost in pomanjkanje moralnih vrednot. Ali nekaj temu podobnega. V vsakem primeru, tega se ne dela. Tudi če je kaj narobe, nekje je meja do kamor se sme. Danes je bila ta meja močno prekoračena.
Metanje granitnih kock v stavbo bo pomagalo kako? Ja, ne razumem....

Množica na Čopovi in Prešernovem

Eden od sloganov... precej zabaven... in pa ledvica...

še ena slika ljudi

Katja Šoba.

slika razdejanja na Prešernovem trgu po odhodu protestnikov


protestniki pred parlamentom

najhujšemu razgrajanju nisem bila priča, vendar še vedno obsojam to kar se je zgodilo. Pijana mladina in slabe odločitve.
Več kot pravilni pa so bili pregledi torb pred vstopom na Prešernov trg in pohvale za hitrost pričetka čiščenja.
7. maj 2010
Teden Mladih
Timeline goes from down there to here. my bad, no have energy to reorder. It's the start of Teden Mladih, a whole week long festival for young people in Kranj. It's only first day and I feel half dead. Jay? Enjoy the photos...
29. apr. 2010
So... this week I was staying in London. It's my fav city and it was fun! It was like superfun, because it was first time I was somewhere like that without supervision. :) so... some photos with comments...

first night we were so tired we just grabbed some icecream and wached Leicester sq.
and next day it was marathon time.

Portobello road shopping...

One of the most interesting graphites... Made U look ;)

Add on subway

Natural history museum outside... Every g33k should see an exhibition in Science museum. I's an project about Internet it is more than awesome.

Kensington gardens chillax time ;) Shisha rocks.

Peter Pan
And some night out. Old Lane, Marcia, Saso, Andraz, some crazy photographers, lovely people. and beer. :)

One of the most interesting toilets I've ever been to...

Interesting fact: my camera is filled with my own photos from this night. Crazy photographers, really.
Some photos from steps in front of National Gallery, I was just sitting after seeing National Portrait Gallery and an exibition of Irving Penn , it was amazing!!!

One of most amazing things to see is also Pollock's Toy Museum. Another facinating spot, for sure.

St. Paul's. Tourist!

This guy was promoting London Dungeons stuff. He was amazing, we chatted for... few minutes and he was really helpful and everything...

Tate Modern, Andy Warhol style

and a girl just spinning down the hill in Tate modern, I am sad; I didn't have time to take more pictures, also was kinda afraid that her parent's wouldsn't be happy that I took photos without permission... :(

This was one of best weeks in my life!

first night we were so tired we just grabbed some icecream and wached Leicester sq.
and next day it was marathon time.

Portobello road shopping...

One of the most interesting graphites... Made U look ;)

Add on subway

Natural history museum outside... Every g33k should see an exhibition in Science museum. I's an project about Internet it is more than awesome.

Kensington gardens chillax time ;) Shisha rocks.

Peter Pan

And some night out. Old Lane, Marcia, Saso, Andraz, some crazy photographers, lovely people. and beer. :)

One of the most interesting toilets I've ever been to...

Interesting fact: my camera is filled with my own photos from this night. Crazy photographers, really.
Some photos from steps in front of National Gallery, I was just sitting after seeing National Portrait Gallery and an exibition of Irving Penn , it was amazing!!!

One of most amazing things to see is also Pollock's Toy Museum. Another facinating spot, for sure.

St. Paul's. Tourist!

This guy was promoting London Dungeons stuff. He was amazing, we chatted for... few minutes and he was really helpful and everything...

Tate Modern, Andy Warhol style

and a girl just spinning down the hill in Tate modern, I am sad; I didn't have time to take more pictures, also was kinda afraid that her parent's wouldsn't be happy that I took photos without permission... :(

This was one of best weeks in my life!
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